Sword Monkeys
Do you struggle to put together a structured training session, run out of steam, or get bored with what you're doing? Then these cards are for you!
Sword Monkeys is our creative/production arm, and we're producing things to help historical fencers train more effectively. Our first offering is a set of 52 cards that is designed to make your longsword training simple and effective. Each card gives you exercises and training drills that are 3 to 5 minutes long, developing a specific fencing skill. They are perfect for a 5 minute "sword break", or you can put them together and do a comprehensive workout session. And they're useful for all levels of fencer; we've even had instructors create classes out of them, or aid in coaching their students. Each "suit" (or colour) has a different focus. Yellow cards are about Preparation: warm-up or cool down activities. Red cards are about Practise: mindful repetition of common fencing motions to train that muscle memory. Green cards are about Perfecting what you do: improving your mechanics, control, and precision of motion. Blue cards are about getting ready to Apply those skills: mixing up actions, putting them together in ways that you'd have to do in a fencing bout. Contact us to learn more! |